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Thursday April 25, 2024

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China’s Toilet Revolution
Wednesday April 27 2016

China’s Toilet Revolution

Beijing, a city where internet connections are unstable and public toilets have had for many years a reputation for being unhygienic, has announced that it will...

Neglect of Public Restrooms on the Rise
Friday March 4 2016

Neglect of Public Restrooms on the Rise

According to a survey that tracks attitudes toward restroom facilities, almost 70 per cent report having a particularly unpleasant experience in a public restroom due to...

Jet Hand Dryers Could Be Hives of Bacteria
Wednesday December 17 2014

Jet Hand Dryers Could Be Hives of Bacteria

Hi-tech hand dryers could facilitate the spread of pathogens in restrooms by sending germs and bacteria flying through the air.